About the project
The VEHUB4YOU project focuses on business knowledge’s transfer from EU to young people of Eastern partners countries by virtual exchanges technologies.
Virtual international business hubs at schools
Participating countries
Total number of participants
The VEHUB4YOU project consortium members will undertake common efforts for organizing a network of international virtual business hubs and teaching of doing business for high school pupils, college students and university students of both economic and non-economic specialties by creating VIRTUAL YOUTH BUSINESS HUBS INTERNATIONAL NETWORK which includes 70 virtual international business hubs at schools, universities and rural libraries in Ukraine and Azerbaijan.
220 participants from other specify regions will be involving as well (Southern Neighbourhood and Sub Saharan Africa). European universities, with the help of universities and youth organizations in Ukraine and Azerbaijan, will share their business courses and experience of teachers with the youth of the Eastern Partnership countries. The project participants will develop a pool of methodological materials for online business trainings. In addition, a training program for hub leaders and facilitators will be published, taking into account local requirements.
The VEHUB4YOU project is expected improve the quality of business education by providing access to modern European education; at the organizational level promoting entrepreneurial learning and on the level of individual project participants is expected to get the skills of planning for a business, marketing the products and obtaining the instruments to create their own business. It is expected upgrading school, college and university educational programs in accordance with new trends on virtual learning and raising the efficiency of virtual education.